Hunter Valley, N.S.W.

Over 25 Years of Experience in the eradication of feral pests.

feral animal management

Feral Animal Management

We can assess and report on any feral animal problems, in any environment pertaining to vertebrate pests.

Reporting can enable longer term solutions to identified problems, delivering a comprehensive feral animal management strategy.

Feral Animal Control

The goal for starting this business was a passion for the Australian outdoors and sustainable conservation of our native flora and fauna.

Blend this with a strong understanding of our agricultural industries and the large role invasive species and pest management plays in protecting our land.

Species targeted for clients ranges from Rats, Pigeons, Rabbits, Foxes, Feral Cats, Wild Dogs, Goats,
Pigs and all introduced Deer species.

feral animal control
Feral Animal Management

Discrete Operations

We understand that not all clients wish to publicise that they are conducting lethal feral animal control operations.

We operate in a discrete manner ensuring that clients and program details remain confidential.

Ground Shooting

Ground shooting operations are utilised in conjunction with several other techniques.

Equipment is specifically catered to the feral animal species being targeted with a focus on safety ensuring operations are conducted at the highest level.

Feral Animal Management
Feral Animal Management

Equipment Deployed

As a licensed contract shooter in NSW and holding the required permit for the legal use of rifle silencers ensures the destruction of feral pests is passive, with every effort made to not draw attention from the public eye.

Utilising highly customised rifles suited for the site, along with ensuring ethical shots on vertebrate species is key.

The use of specialised PCP air rifles for small animals enables adequate ethics but with minimum impact or damage to sensitive infrastructure. Or the use of larger caliber centrefire rifles where required for larger scale control of species such as feral pigs and wild dogs.

Optics fitted to rifles range from high quality glass scopes during the daytime, to industry leading thermal and night vision devices after darkness.