Hunter Valley, N.S.W.

Feral Vertebrate Reduction

Hi, Nathan here at EDGE of the OUTBACK

Did you know a huge number of native Australian animals and birds are threatened by invasive species?

Did you know that Australia has lost more mammals to extinction than any other continent on earth?

I’m a professional vertebrate pest controller, eradicating invasive species, protecting Australia’s ecosystems, and consecutively assisting the agricultural industry.

Passionate about the environment and being in the outdoors has led me to share real life experiences on Australia’s largest shooting, pest control and hunting YouTube channel –

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What We do

We are Qualified & Professional Contract Shooters

Licensed in NSW for Contract Shooting

Contract feral vertebrate pest control services play a vital role in mitigating the destructive impact of invasive species on ecosystems and agricultural landscapes. Our skilled professionals are at the forefront of safeguarding biodiversity and ensuring the sustainability of vital food production.

Feral vertebrate pests, which can include animals like rabbits, goats, feral cats, wild dogs and foxes, pigs and invasive bird species, pose significant threats to native wildlife and agricultural productivity. They can disrupt delicate ecosystems, devastate crops, and outcompete native species, leading to ecological imbalances.

In this challenging scenario, professional contract pest controllers step in with expertise and precision. We employ a range of humane and environmentally responsible methods to manage and reduce pest populations.

Thermal Shooting

Specialising in ground shooting at night with industry leading thermal and night vision optics.

In my sights

Vertebrate Pest Management

We can assess and provide reports on any feral animal problems, in any environment pertaining to vertebrate pests.

Feral Animal Management

Feral Animal Control

We have an extensive background in firearms and ballistics with over 25 years’ experience in the hunting industry.

Nathan Stuart professional hunter



Feral Animal Management